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More than 600 members have served Alabama communities as members of Alabama District Exchange Clubs
The Alabama Exchangite

Collegiate Exchange Club News

Dr. Maureen Murphy, Huntingdon Collegiate Exchange Faculty Sponsor (2nd from right), was selected by President West to be the Faculty Marshal for all convocations and graduation ceremonies.

President Amber Shirley inducts new members in 2020.
Collegiate Exchangites packed 26 shoeboxes for children ages 3-5 for the
2020 Operation Christmas Child project.
How To Build A Collegiate Club-Watch Video!

Club Wins National Service Award for 10th Consecutive Year
The Collegiate Exchange Club of Huntingdon College was one of the first in the ADEC to be certified as National Service Award winner for this 2020 program year. The award is given by the National Exchange Club to clubs who have achieved a minimum of one project each in the Programs of Service areas of Youth, Community Service, Americanism, our National Project of Child Abuse Prevention, Fundraising, and two additional projects in any of the categories. Congratulations on the Club's 10th consecutive year of earning this award!

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